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Demystifying Your Insurance Paperwork

Learn the Steps to Follow for Any Roof Damage Insurance Claims

Filing insurance claims for roof damage can seem like a daunting, mystifying process. As a homeowner, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your homeowner’s insurance or filing a claim—until suddenly, it feels like you need to be an expert.

Luckily, the process doesn’t need to be a major headache, especially once you learn the basic steps for filing insurance claims. Even better, if you partner with the San Antonio roofing experts at Dolan Roofing & Restoration, we’ll be right by your side throughout the process, from start to finish. If you’re faced with roof damage, here’s the process for filing a roof insurance claim.

Read Up on Your Policy

Why Is My Insurance Company Requiring a New Roof

Before any storm arrives, it’s always a good idea to be familiar with your insurance policy—and the type of damage it covers. We recommend looking over the details of your policy every year or so just to stay refreshed on what’s covered.

If you find you have any questions, it’s a good idea to call your insurance provider and ask directly. They’ll be happy to fill you in on the details and provide a clear picture of what coverage you can expect.

Assess Roof Damage

After a major storm passes, you should do your best to find out whether your roof was damaged. While we don’t recommend walking around on your roof—especially following a potentially damaging storm—you can look for other indicators of roof damage, such as:

  • Dark spots on your roof visible from the ground
  • Cracked or broken pieces of shingles
  • Dents to other parts of your home exterior, such as gutters and siding
  • News reports of hail large enough to cause significant roof damage

Contact a Local Roofer

If you’ve confirmed your roof was damaged, or if you aren’t sure, the next step in the insurance claims process is to get in touch with a local storm restoration expert. A professional roofer will be able to take a closer look at your roof without causing further damage. What’s more, they’ll have the experience and trained eye necessary to spot subtle signs of damage that you may not be able to see from the ground.

Document All Damage

Throughout the inspection process, your roofer should be documenting all signs of damage to your roof. Photos tagged with your location and the date will provide a strong body of evidence to establish that damage to your roof was caused by storms that passed through your area. 

File Your Insurance Claim

These days, the process of filing insurance claims for roof damage likely won’t involve much paperwork at all. Many companies will have an online claims system where you can enter all the information needed to open your case with your provider. Typically they will also provide you with the opportunity to upload photos and a statement from your roofer with a full estimate for the cost to complete a roof repair or a roof replacement on your home, if necessary.

Meet with Your Adjuster

After you file your claim, your insurance provider will schedule a time to visit your home and complete your adjustment. During this process, it’s a good idea to have your roofer present as well. While they cannot act as a public adjuster*, your roofer can help to point out signs of damage that an adjuster may otherwise miss. This helps to ensure your insurance provider gets a complete picture of any damage to your roof.

Complete Roofing Work

Once the damage has been evaluated and your insurance provider has reached a conclusion on your claim, you’ll be able to complete any necessary roofing work on your home. Whether your roof damage is minor or major, it’s essential to address any problems immediately. After completing the work, your roof will be restored and your home will be protected once more.

Dolan Roofing: San Antonio’s Storm Damage Experts

At Dolan Roofing, we’re San Antonio’s leading storm restoration experts. We provide prompt inspections and repairs throughout the storm season, and we’re always standing by to answer your storm damage and insurance questions. Throughout the insurance claims process, we’re here to minimize headaches and fix any damage to your roof as quickly as possible.

If you’re faced with storm damage this season, reach out to our experts to schedule an inspection!

* NOTE: DRC and its authorized representatives are NOT acting as Public Insurance Adjusters and will not negotiate with insurance on the Customer’s behalf.

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