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Your Insurance Roof Replacement Questions Answered

Have Questions About an Insurance Roof Replacement? We Have Answers

If you’re faced with the prospect of an insurance roof replacement, chances are you have a lot of questions. This can be a difficult time as a homeowner, as there is often a lot of uncertainty surrounding how much of your replacement will be covered, how long you have to file a claim, and other key details.

At Dolan Roofing & Construction, we aim to make the roof replacement process as simple and headache-free as possible, especially when it comes to navigating insurance claims—and here in San Antonio, we experience no shortage of damaging storms. So today, we’re providing answers to several common questions regarding insurance roof replacements. Let’s get started.

How Long Do I Have to File an Insurance Claim?

In the state of Texas, homeowners have up to two years to file an insurance claim for roof damage. This is significantly more time than many other states, as some areas allow as little as 180 days from the date of the storm. That said, some insurance carriers may differ in their timelines and provide a smaller window (such as a year) for homeowners to file a claim.

Because of this uncertainty, homeowners should file a claim as soon as they become aware of damage. The longer you wait, the worse damage may get, and this could lead to leaks and other issues inside of your home. In addition, if you leave known roof damage unaddressed, your insurance company could deny your claim due to negligence.

How Much Damage Will Warrant a Roof Replacement?

This is one of the most common questions when it comes to roof insurance claims, and unfortunately the amount of damage needed to warrant a replacement will vary quite a bit. 

Different insurance providers and policies will calculate damage in different ways; typically, the amount of damage needed for a replacement will be a threshold, often around 20–30% of the roof area. Insurance providers may also base it on finding a certain minimum number of hail impacts per “square,” or 10’ by 10’ area of your roof.

What Should I Do Before Filing an Insurance Claim?

We always recommend scheduling an inspection with a roofing and storm restoration expert before filing an insurance claim. This is a good practice following any potentially damaging storm, and it can help the claims process go much more smoothly. 

A trained roofing professional will be able to diagnose and evaluate any storm damage to your roof. They’ll be able to mark hail impacts (if your roof was damaged by hail) and provide complete photo documentation of damage to your home’s exterior. At Dolan Roofing, we’re also happy to send one of our roofing experts out to your property during your adjustment to ensure no damage is overlooked.*

What Type of Roof Damage Is Covered?

The type of damage your home is covered for will all depend on your insurance provider and your policy. While common types of storm damage such as hail and wind damage are typically covered, policies vary greatly. It’s a good idea for homeowners to review their insurance paperwork every so often so they know exactly what they are and aren’t covered for.

Dolan Roofing Is Here to Answer Your Insurance Roof Replacement Questions

As San Antonio’s leading storm damage restoration experts, our team at Dolan Roofing is always ready to answer any questions you may have about the insurance roof replacement process. Dealing with storm damage is stressful—and as a family-owned company, we know how important it is to keep your loved ones safe from the elements.

If storms damage your home this summer, the experts at Dolan Roofing are ready to help! Reach out to our team today to schedule an inspection before filing your claim.


* NOTE: DRC and its authorized representatives are NOT acting as Public Insurance Adjusters and will not negotiate with insurance on Customer’s behalf.

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